7 Steps of website development
Why are you here? Tanya - rebuilding an old drupal site from scratch / How to make our site more interactive on a daily basis - we're not a portal, its just our information
Sarah - the design process
Chad - learn & use a "process"
General planning
- Q&A - strategic questions, answer & brainstorm, target audience,
- Site compairson
- Project plan
Building a site
Target audience what do we want them to do
People focus on the wrong thing sometimes - news / articles not about - focus site / content on organizations primary focus e.g. fellowship buried on a mailing list - what does it do well, what does it do best, what do you want to differentiate, what do you want to highlight
Use analytics to help inform this slightly
Wireframe - 3 days
Uses Adobe Fire.... for make mockups
- Does all the areas of the site - helps with accountability, and getting buy in from all stakeholders,
Alan waits on the home page to the very end, so you can see what the organization works on.
Visual Identity
- Had a logo
- No branding
- But logo had a color scheme
Design elements from the logo
- inspiration for the components
- trial and error
- "best navigation" google
theme forest, creative market
basic structure to each site
Design - week and half
code it up, firebug, use standard templates, find one that meets your basic wireframe
get everybody testing and try to break the site
thats when you can train users, staff etc.
Other thoughts
- Can do wireframing in-house? Maybe
- Pay for content / sitemap stage? Alan: Pay for the discovery process,
then refund if you use us for the rest